The official presentation of the book “Planurile și Prospectele cetății Hârșova în arhive străine”, authored by Aurel-Daniel Stănică, Constantin Nicolae and Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu and edited by Mega Editing House will take place Friday, 21 January, 11 a.m., at the City Hall of Hârșova.

The volume is published as a result of the cultural project “Land[Map]. Digitizarea peisajului”, co-funded by A.F.C.N. Eurocentrica was one of the partners that carried out the project.

Like all the other Ottoman fortresses of Dobrudja, the city of Hârșova is not very well known today. The book presents some of the plans of the fortress of Hârșova, recently found in the archives from Kyiv and Moscow. These documents are new and original sources for the academic research and allow a better knowledge of the fortress in the 18th and 19th centuries.



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