The programs coordinator of the Association Eurocentrica, Liviu Iancu, visited on 25 and 26 November 2021 “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” State University of Cahul and the State University of Comrat, Republic of Moldova. During his visit, he:
– presented to the students and the professors the opportunities for volunteering offered by Eurocentrica in its multiannual project “Support for the archaeological research at the city of Histria”;
– offered certificates for volunteering and sets of 10 issues of the Historia and Historia Special magazine to the students who had already volunteered at Histria in the summer of 2021;
– donated 40-issues sets of the Historia and Historia Special magazine to the libraries of the two universities, as activity of the project “History for all”, which benefits from the support provided by Historia; books and CDs created within the projects “Digitising the stone crosses and the monuments from heroes from Prahova county” and „Saving the folkloric, ethnographic and dialectological material preserved in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova” were donated, as well.
Eurocentrica thanks to Ion Ghelețchi, prorector of the University of Cahul, and to Alla Paptsova, associate professor at the University of Cahul, for making possible this visit.
Tags: books, Cahul, Comrat, donation, history, magazines, Republic of Moldova, România, university