Several disappeared medieval settlements from Dobrudja, Romania, will be investigated by experts and researchers from public institutions and NGOs from Tulcea, Constanța and Bucharest, Eurocentrica included, using alternate approaches and interdisciplinary methods of research in the cultural project “(Re)Mapping. The Archaeology of Maps”. The results of the project will be promoted both towards specialists and larger audiences.
The project that will take place between 20 July and 15 November is implemented by the Institute for Eco-Museum Researches “Gavrilă Simion”, together with the Museum of National History and Archeology Constanța, Pro Noviodunum Association and Eurocentrica Association, and is co-funded by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (A.F.C.N.). It tackles new research trends and the employment of modern interdisciplinary methods which, through their efficiency and precision, might provide valuable nondestructive tools, alternate to traditional excavations, that will finally will help in gathering large series of valuable data.
The project will also extract information from previously unused cartographic sources which should become the main documents for the historical study of a relatively less known region and period.
The results of the project will be promoted through various means, from an itinerant photographic and documentary exposition, to a workshop named ”The Ottoman Archaeology in Dobrudja” which will comprise presentations regarding the Ottoman cities, cemeteries and settlements from the area.
An important promotion activity will be called ”Access to archaeology” and will have as main purpose the presentation of the disappeared medieval sites in Dobrudja to local authorities, pupils and students, in order to help them understand the importance of studying history and of the research conducted by specialists in historical cartography. Pupils will get to know that Dobrudja has been displaying a multicultural and multi-ethnic society ever since the Middle Ages.
Another significant element of the project is that of setting up a database which will help identify and document newly discovered archaeological sites of Dobrudja.
Last, but not least, heritage artifacts from Ottoman Dobrudja will be digitized and integrated in the European digital library Europeana. This action, together with the intended foundation of a 3D virtual museum, will have an important role in the popularization of the research results of the project
Tags: archaeology, cartography, Dobrudja, history, maps, Middle Ages, Ottoman Empire, România, Tulcea, Turkey